Should You Work Out as a Couple ?


Couples Workout Ideas, Tips, and Recommendations !

A couples workout sounds like a fun and romantic idea. After all, who wouldn't want to spend a little extra time with their loved one? But many times exercising together just doesn't work.

If you and your partner have different interests, schedules, or fitness levels, consider making certain adjustments before you begin. Consider all the pros and cons of working out together before you set up an exercise program then find a program that benefits both of you.

Couple Workout Pros and Cons - 

In a perfect world, you and your sweetie love to do the same activities, work on the same schedule and are perfectly matched in terms of ability. But let's face it, this isn't a perfect world.

It's likely that each of you came into the relationship with a different exercise history, different interests, and varied abilities. The couples workout that makes you feel challenged and energized may make your partner feel defeated and overwhelmed. The workout that he or she enjoys might leave you bored.

Pros -

• Encouragement and motivation

• Accountability

• Together time

Cons -

• Power imbalance

• Too much time together

• Scheduling conflicts

Pros -

Encouragement and Motivation !

Your spouse may be the best motivator to get off the couch and exercise, especially when the workout will be completed together. One recent study found that couples who had a sense that they were "in this together" were able to encourage each other more effectively to exercise on a daily basis. In addition, the couple's shared beliefs about exercise influenced the amount of effort they put into sticking to a program.


It's easy to skip a workout if no one knows that you skipped it. But if you exercise with your spouse, that won't happen. Your sweetie will hold you accountable. Your wife or husband can also provide helpful reminders about upcoming workouts and even help you with daily chores if necessary to make the workout happen.

Together Time

If you feel like you don't get enough alone time with your spouse, a couples workout may be the perfect solution. Exercise is a form of intimacy, so a quick jog together or weight loss cycling session may help you to feel more connected—even if the workout is a short one.

Cons -

Power Imbalance

If one partner is fit and the other is not, a couple's workout may not be a good idea. One partner may feel inadequate, especially if the fitter spouse takes on an uninvited or harsh coaching role during the workouts !

Too Much Time Together ❤️

Many people use their workout as their much-needed time alone. If your workouts are your only chance to get away and if you find that your independent workouts help you to be a better partner, then don't give them up to exercise together. Or consider doing a couple's workout just once or twice per week !