CBSE Dost for Life App - All you need to know about CBSE counselling service in 8 points !

CBSE Dost for Life App has been launched. CBSE will provide free counselling for students and parents on the portal. Here is everything you should know about it !

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently launched a new mobile application named - Dost for Life. The platform aims to provide the psychosocial well-being of students. The facility has been provided to students considering the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Here in this article, you will know all about the CBSE Dost for Life app.

CBSE Dost for Life: All you need to know

1. The CBSE Dost for Life is designed for students of class 9th to 12th. The counselling of students will begin on May 10.

2. Students can download the CBSE Dost for Life app from Google Play Store. They will have to download it on their smartphone with an active internet connection.

3. Students and parents from CBSE-affiliated schools across the world can participate in the counselling. The live sessions will be free of cost.

4. Students and parents can participate in the counselling via the official website and the official YouTube channel of CBSE.

5. Students will be exposed to several features of the app including- counselling sessions, expert advice, suggestive course guide after class 12, tips on mental well-being, COVID-19 related protocol and audio-visual messages.

6. CBSE's 'Dost for Life' application will also include educational material on social, emotional and behavioural issues such as exam anxiety, internet addiction disorder, depression, specific learning disability, substance use disorder, aggression and life skills to sensitise students and masses.

7. Counselling on CBSE Dost for Life will be conducted thrice a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Trained counsellors and principals will conduct the counselling sessions.

8. Students and parents can choose their own time slot between 9.30 am - 1.30 pm or 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm and connect through a chat box as per their convenience !